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Reboot Your Business, Remove Office Clutter

Written by Junk King | Feb 3, 2010 10:30:24 PM

Many businesses across the country are glad to put 2009 behind them. 2010 marks a fresh start for businesses, bringing a better economic atmosphere and renewed goals for success.

 Some companies have been hunkering down throughout the past year and cutting costs wherever possible. Now, with a bit of extra capital, businesses can start to prepare for some ‘spring cleaning’ to get their priorities and goals in order.

There are a number of things a business can do for a fresh start, including upgrading computer systems, re-evaluating customer relations processes, and hiring new talent. One often overlooked step a business can take to ‘reboot’ its operations is by cleaning out the office. A good office environment is essential to the productivity of employees. Clutter and unused office furniture can be distracting to employees and can also take up space that could be otherwise used to make a company more efficient. Just as a house needs a good spring cleaning, businesses should also consider getting rid of the junk that is piling up from the last year of operations (or well before that).

Here are a few reasons why cleaning up the office can be essential for a business:

  • Productivity: It is proven that employees are more efficient in an uncluttered environment. Having some open space can help an employee hone in on the task at hand. This doesn’t mean a productive office can’t have ‘extra stuff.’ However, it’s one thing to have fun and gimmicky office appliances (such as gumball machines) and another to have old office furniture lying around doing nothing.
  • Employee Health: Just as old home appliances and furniture that sits around can accumulate dust and mold, old office furniture will do the same. Getting rid of this old furniture can drastically improve the air quality and general cleanliness of the office environment.
  • Business Image: A good image is essential to any business that is trying to grow or network with other companies. If you bring some potential clients into an office filled with junk, they probably won’t get a great first impression of your business. Clearing out the extra clutter will certainly give off a more professional image.

So now that you’ve figured out you need to get rid of the unwanted clutter and junk in your office – how do you go about it? Hiring a junk removal service like Junk-King is often the most efficient and cost effective way to clean up your office. Much of the larger office items that need to be moved can be hassle for yourself or your employees to take on. Setting aside the time and manpower to move this office junk can disrupt your normal business operations. That’s why a professional junk removal service can perform an efficient ‘in-and-out’ haul that won’t disrupt business. Junk-King also recycles 40-60% received materials, so that you will know your business is contributing to a cleaner environment.